My Poochie Loochie Magaloo
In the days leading up my dog’s passing and the days that followed—I knew I’d have to write a blogpost sharing some of the cool things I experienced w my sweet devoted pooch Maggie.
I was lucky to have had her for the past 9 years. We got Maggie in May 2011 and she passed June 8, 2020. We got her as a 13 week old puppy. She was my main support at the beginning of my spiritual journey. Back in those early days my husband was the last person I could connect with about my spiritual experiences and my kids were so little… I was feeling isolated a bit and Maggie came and held that space for me. As she grew alongside me, so did I with my spiritual aspects. As dogs are, she was a regular force of loving companionship. I hugged her so much that my kids questioned if I loved her more than them!
One night, back in the fall of 2019, I clearly heard Maggie tell me “I’m not gonna be around much longer”. Occasionally I can telepathically hear her thoughts… not often, but sometimes. And this was SO CLEAR I couldn’t un-hear it. She knew her time was running to a close and was warning me. I did as best I could to love her up, be present with her and appreciate her, each moment I spent with her. She’d wrench her back sometimes and hide out in pain for a day, but she’s always rally and be okay the next morning. She was a healthy dog generally. One day, in like April, she got all puppy excited about getting playtime in the backyard and I threw her ball hard and she tore off after it and put on the brakes fast and suddenly… but then she just sorta stopped. She sadly just turned and walked back slowly to me, saying “I can’t do this stuff anymore”. It was a sad moment, recognizing and feeling her aging bones. From there she began taking it a slower getting off the couch and bed. You could see the struggle and pain.
Over Memorial Day weekend my husband and I took a walk to a local park with Mags. There was no one around, so I let her off the leash. She hadn’t had a big field to run in a long time (when she was a puppy we did that often where we used to live, but since moving here 5 years ago it has hardly happened). She was SO EXCITED and ran happy circles around me like a puppy with her tongue hanging out… it was the sweetest.
Her last park visit
Then she went down and stayed down, a bit surprised, thinking “I can’t do this anymore!” I had the fleeting thought “this was her last hurrah”. After some time she got up and limped all the way home. It was super sad. She then hid out for about a day and didn’t act like herself when she reemerged two days later, and the next day, a Wednesday she began vomiting, shaking and panting heavily. This was bad. My kids and I cried our eyes out that night, worrying about her vet appointment the next day, I warned them that she might not make it through this. She went to a vet the next day and was sent home with meds to help her symptoms. I was hopeful they might work, but truly kinda knew she was done. I figured if the meds didn’t improve her by Sunday then we’d have to worry. She refused to eat, but was still sweet in her disposition. Her movement was severely restricted as it had been since Wednesday – we had to help her down the steps and off the couch. By Sunday tho, she didn’t lift her head to greet me. It was then that I knew with dread what was next.
Being so caught up in emotion, I wanted to connect with someone who could tap in and get messages (in a neutral state) from Maggie. I very much was seeing that Maggie’s purpose, her mission was near complete. My husband and I had come a long way since the beginning of my spiritual journey. He’s become a better companion to me that he hadn’t been able to be before. I also felt that she was with me when I had my spiritual training wheels still on and now I was standing strong in my convictions and very much embraced my role as a spiritual leader and teacher. I felt like she was saying “you got this!” So I reached out to Kirsten @ Dicey’s Healing for a reading for Maggie. I was fortunate that she got back to me right away and was able to tune right in. She gave me the exact messages I needed to hear.
I wrote to her: I remember back in like Sept I heard her clearly and she said “I won’t be here much longer”. I don’t feel it’s lymes. I do think she wants to go. She came into my life in 2011 At 13 weeks old when I had only first stepped into my role as a spiritual healer, still shaky on my feet. Now I’m strong on my feet and the world has woken up and I feel I’ve embraced my role fully and she’s like “here’s where I bow out”. But still- curious to see what you may get when tapping in since you’re not me and not as intertwined and as emotionally invested!
Kirsten’s Reply: Your intuition was spot on. Maggie had me in tears with the love she is sending all of you, but specifically you. Immediately in connecting with Maggie I heard: “It is time. I need permission to go. If you have learned anything, you have learned love never dies. I will never be gone. You will just have to connect with me in a different way. Do not veer off your path. You are just getting started and have so many people to touch. You will see me in their smiles. You will feel me in their appreciation. That is love. That is what it is all about, and that is what I have given you and you have given me… Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being you. Always perfect in my eyes. As you continue to walk your path know I am still walking it with you. Love you lots. I AM at peace with all that is. Embrace it.”
I sobbed when I read Kirsten’s reading. Soon after I had called a vet who could do housecalls for euthanasia, I figured I’d just have them come that night because why prolong her suffering? I went upstairs to let my kids know about the upcoming appointment, the news they were anticipating. Then I came back down the stairs and found Maggie perched up on her couch corner (like a cat, her usual)... I was like "What's going on here?" I heard her clearly say (in my head, telepathically to me) "I wanted to sit up here one last time.” Oh geez! My girl is so sweet and aware. She somehow managed to maneuver herself up there for the sake of doing it one final time.
final couch perch
I realized I needed one more night with her so called and ended up scheduling for the next morning. We all needed just a little more time. She continued to wanna do things “one last time”. I took her out back and she just sorta stood in the grass, eyes closed feeling the breeze. She said “I just wanna feel the grass and the breeze one more time”. Then I asked her if she wanted to stay out longer or if she wanted to go inside. She said “it hurts to stand” so we went back inside. I was grateful for this special, extra time with her. That night wasn’t an easy one. She insisted on climbing up the stairs to lay in her dog bed at the foot of our bed one last time. It was so sweet and sad.
The next morning after she did her morning pee out back, she led me to her leash- I said "Really? You wanna go for a walk? One last time?" So we did a teeny walk, where she smelled the edge of our yard and our next door neighbor’s. Divinely timed, a neighbor friend was walking his dog and he was all cheerful asking about our day. I broke the news to him tearfully and he was shocked and sad. I told him she was being put down at 11. He said “are you sure?” and I barely could reply before Maggie vomited and then laid down exhausted at my feet. Yeah, I was sure. He agreed it was the right decision after being in disbelief. It was very nice to see and cry with this neighbor friend and his dog- one of Maggie’s buds.
Maggie decided to go out back like 10 mins before the vet arrived-- she knew it was her time. We all went out together. It was a sad and heavy time, just hanging in our yard with our tired pup. After examination from the doctor, they prepped her with an IV line. She resisted the sedation meds- the doctor said "wow, I have to increase the dose to what would work for a Great Dane!" (Maggie was 60 pounds). Eventually the sedation worked and they administered the euthanasia and we gathered around her under a big umbrella that we were using for shade. Within just a minute or so, I felt her spirit lift up and out of her and I gasped! (her physical body had about 3 breaths left after her spirit left her body). Her spirit was so bright and joyful!! She was just in my face in awe, like, “wow”! We all were crying, hovering over her body after she passed. My oldest son had the hardest time and couldn’t back away. It started feel “too long” and I was wondering how do I tell him time is up, man… and then boom- the umbrella caught a gust of wind and flipped over. Amazing.
Right after that I went to the vet and told her how I felt Maggie's spirit lift up and out and she said "did you feel the breeze?" I hadn't bc we were under the umbrella -- she said each time a pet passes with her outdoor visits like this (bc of COVID) that a breeze comes through as they pass. So neat. Later that day as we all moped around I was guided to ask the kids to connect with Maggie’s spirit. Because anytime I THOUGHT of her with my eyes closed I felt like she was nose to nose with me, with big excited eyes. I was curious what their experience would be. So I went to them individually and instructed “Okay, close your eyes and think of Maggie… what do you see?” and they each separately reported the SAME image and feeling that I got. They said she was like goofy and excited. It was the best. She really was RIGHT THERE.
I am so grateful for my spiritual connection and that I have a ton of friends who are also quite gifted intuitively. In the days following Maggie’s passing I heard from several of them. In fact, I heard from my friend Deb within hours… later that same day she wrote to me:
“Hi Karen I went into the woods today and was drawn to do a healing for you and Maggie. During the healing you were laying in a fetal position and Maggie was snuggled within you (spooning). (*This is a new friend and had no idea me and Maggie spooning was “a thing!” lol) I was surprised and channeled Maggie! And she has message for you. She wants you to know how much she knows you loved her. Sometimes she felt like you loved her the most. She loved that you thought she was so goofy and cute. She loved all that you did to make her life special. She thanks you for all the walks. She also wants you to know that she’s now your spirit Animal. She wants you to continue to talk to her because she’s right beside you. She said that pets can be spirit animals right away. I saw her go over the rainbow bridge then come back and I blew her into your heart. After the healing you had a rainbow bubble around you. Maggie was above your left shoulder. I’m so sorry today was painful. May you be called to ceremony and honor for sweet Maggie. Much love and light to you.”
Then I later heard from another friend:
“So I just finished meditating and Maggie came to me! She told me not to be stingy with my love… And she gave me the image of going around licking everyone like a doggy does sharing the love no matter what! Wild! I Love it!!!”
I had two other friends report seeing Maggie in their dreams and meditations—she really made the rounds and made sure I got the message! I am so grateful.
One week after Maggie crossed over I decided to go out back and just hang out on a blanket. I left my phone behind on the blanket while I ran inside for something. When I returned, I picked up my phone to find one of her dog hairs wedged in the middle of the phone, partly tucked into the case along the side. It was STUCK in there. I laughed and immediately showed my kids. My son even did a video of it for me which I’m having a hard time posting.. but trust me, that hair magically appeared and it wasn’t budging! Also, since she’s passed I have been seeing the number combo “112” which was the address of our old house- her first home with us! So anytime I see 1:12 or even 11:12 I say “hey Maggie!” This happened after my mom passed, too. Every time I see 5:17 it’s like a wink from my mom (my birthdate).
I am so glad I got to share nine years with my poochalooch, smoochie poochie, Maggle Waggle, Mag-a-loo… she was my sweet girl. People are sad when I mention how she passed- and of course I’m sad and miss her. But how I see it, she broke my heart open so I can love EVEN MORE. She really is apart of me now. It’s pretty beautiful and wild. We are anxious to get another dog one of these days. We miss having dog love in our lives! I look forward to seeing which dog she sends us, we trust that she’s playing a role in finding us the next perfect match.