The Spiritual Seekers Podcast brings topics of a metaphysical nature to you from a grounded perspective. I'm a Spiritual Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master teacher and owner of Moon Magic, a spiritual wellness center and metaphysical store in Northern NJ. I’ve got 20 plus years of professional experience doing this type of work!
I'm hoping that telling my stories will help validate your own spiritual journey.
I get that topics like the ones I share might be too taboo in certain company - which is why I created this podcast in the first place. You are definitely not alone - and certainly not crazy. If nothing else, I promise to entertain - however, my true intention in sharing is to affirm your own experiences!
Topics will include stories of my own past lives and Reiki healing experiences to crystals and psychic development. Stories related to being married to skeptic atheist, the daughter of a Deacon in the Catholic church, living through my mom’s autoimmune disease and being the mom to my own sensitive and aware children are NOT off the table! I'm excited to share this library of stories from my spiritual journey here in this sacred space that I’ve created!
Episode 118 Uncover Your Recovery, Uncover Your Healing
Today I speak with co-authors Maura Bertotti and Ann Merli about their recently published book, Uncover Your Recovery - Uncover Your Healing.
Uncover Your Recovery is a system designed to identify and heal the challenges we each face in our lives. Everyone is recovering from something. This book help in changing our perceptions about the idea of recovery, which helps to make healing accessible to all of us.
Uncover Your Recovery is a journey that begins with you! Recovery is a process, an act of change that can make a significant difference in your life. The information contained in their book is offered for the purpose of awakening your innate healing potential.
This book and all of its tools and wisdom helps support you through life's ups and downs as you do the work of Uncovering Your Own Healing.
The book is for everyone.
As the authors point out throughout the book, we are all recovering from something. Through their writing they offer the keystones of healing, which are curiosity and awareness. Using these two tools offers insight into all of our recovery from life's big and little hurts.
Ann Merli - Is a yoga teacher, energy healing practitioner/massage therapist. Using multiple resources and modalities, her passion in life is to support people in living their best versions of themselves.
Maura Bertotti - is an Angel Channeler and healer who brings comfort and support to all through her connection to the Angels. With the Angels and Maura your healing is at a higher level.
Episode 117: Fun Times Connecting with Spirit
This is one of those episodes where I talk about the recent happenings in my life doing the work that I do. From a recent class I taught on Oracle Tools, to my visit to a house that supposedly had a lot of "activity" (It did!), to Angels stepping in to help in a loud way. I love love love my job and my connection almost as much as I love sharing these stories! Making the esoteric ordinary is my jam. :)
Episode 116: Queer Guide Safrianna Lughna
Safrianna Lughna, LCPC, MS is a retired trauma therapist who with a little bit of unicorn magic, a wish, and a dream, transformed into the Queer-Spirit Guide: an international best-selling author, speaker, CEO, and transformational mentor. She is the CEO of Living LUNA, a brand committed to "Uplifting the Others" through education, community, and wellness services.
Safrianna empowers visionary leaders, healers, and creatives to embrace self-love and authentic embodiment to bridge the gap from surviving to thriving. She connects clients with their higher selves, helps them build better boundaries, and cheers them on as they bravely leap into embodying a life built on soul-level success.
Whether nerdy, queer, spiritual, or otherwise marginalized, Safrianna embraces all open-minded non-judgmental individuals who want a space free from pain dumping to socialize and find encouragement while building a better world.
Safrianna and I have druid and shaman aspects in common! We get along really well and had a refreshingly open and honest conversation. I was happy to speak with her and share her with you all!
Episode 115: Death, Rebirth and Lots of Signs from Spirit
Early in June I recognized that I’d overextended myself. I never considered myself to be a people pleaser nor did I think I was bad with my boundaries, but evidence to the contrary revealed itself! I started out my summer overwhelmed, burned out and with a dysregulated nervous system. I’d seen a homeopath who gave me a remedy that brought all this to the forefront. It course corrected me and its effects aided in me recognizing where I’d overcommitted myself, forcing me to confront needed change. Between the homeopathic remedy and the goddess Kali, it became evident that I’d need to clear my plate in a big way to usher in whatever new energies that needed to take place. It was a transformative summer, one where I was mostly a recluse and in cocoon mode. A metamorphosis… All to rise again, a fresher, better version of myself! Sometimes I wish I was exempt from human suffering, but why be put on this planet as a human if not to get the full human experience? Hope you enjoy listening in! Be sure to check this out in the blog format – or my Instagram - to see all the many accompanying photos that go along with this story! It’s a long one! Hope you enjoy and gain something from listening in on it!
You can also read this as a blogpost! *lots of pics included! :)
Episode 114: Starseeds and Light Language with Elies Hadi
Elies has been guiding lightworkers, healers, and starseeds in their awakening journey since 2016. She focuses on helping them to remember their calling, activate their gifts and fulfilling their highest vision, including that of their 5D Biz. She does this through a mix of modalities including light language, EFT Tapping, Akashic Clearing, Angel Healing, Coaching and many more. She believes that the spiritual awakening and healing journey can be playful, yet powerful at the same time.
Episode 113: Taylor Swift and the Divine Feminine with Meredith Beardmore
I’m so excited to bring you today’s episode! I will be geeking out about Taylor Swift and the Divine Feminine with therapist – and Swiftie- Meredith Beardmore.
Meredith Beardmore is a psychotherapist operating a private practice, the author of Hey Addiction, Thanks for NOTHING!: A Brutally Honest Guide to Loving an Addict Without Losing Your Mind, and is also known as “Mend with Mere” from her successful YouTube Channel.
Meredith is an Ohio State University graduate with a master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Meredith specializes in substance abuse treatment, helping family members of addicts and treating emerging adults with various issues, from identity development to depression.
Her YouTube Channel, “Mend with Mere,” initially intended for therapy discussions, became a platform for analyzing song lyrics, primarily Taylor Swift's, garnering thousands of subscribers and over 5 million hours of watch time.
I am so happy to have found MEND WITH MERE, and her channel where she often thoughtfully discusses, dissects and reacts to songs. I stumbled upon her page in the research that goes along w dissecting lyrics! The recent Taylor Swift album – the Tortured Poets Department- is rich with amazing and meaningful songs that really sent me down rabbit holes.
I’ve recently become a Swiftie, and I’m not embarrassed to admit it! The more I’ve learned about Taylor Swift and her work, the more I’ve grown to love her! When she started the Eras tour last year I noticed all the girl mom friends of mine who went to see the show with their daughters were just as crazy to see her as their daughters were… this intrigued me and I ended up watching the Netflix Special on her called “MISS AMERICANA”. From there I really grew to really respect her as an artist and person. It’s clear she’s a smart, self-aware and sensitive. I only began delving into her catalogue since February of this year after watching her video for “You Need To Calm Down”. Seeing how she advocates for the LGBTQ really warmed my heart- I cried when I first saw it even tho it’s not necessarily a tear jerker! As a mom to a transgirl it made me even happier to see someone with this platform saying F U to the naysayers. I then started listening to her on Spotify, just letting it play… I heard the song “I Did Something Bad” where she mentions how narcissists love her (common for empaths) and then she sang “They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one…. So light me up” and I got CHILLS so bad!! I could feel the power she was channeling and was floored!
I later learned about the song Willow and her video for that where it looks like a coven of women dancing around the moon—fun fact, this tree is associated with Hecate—Queen of the Witches, goddess of the underworld connected to magic and divination. Witch isn’t a bad word- a witch is a woman in her power who can transmute energy and Taylor Swift does just that. From the snakes being thrown her way w the bs drama she had with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, where she turned it around for fuel for her Reputation album, to changing the script on London and her relationship to that city (We recorded this just prior to those shows… Travis Kelce is clearly the Divine Masculine and his performance with Taylor on stage was so symbolic and amazing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, clearly you are NOT a Swiftie, lol. Google it! Night 3 London, June 22). They both really embody the divine feminine and masculine so strongly.
Nothing prepared me tho for when she premiered her performance of “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” from her new album in Paris back in May. This was an empowered woman, not hiding her rage and playfully playing on people’s fears/accusations of her being a witch. I ate that shit up!! Every single time I listen to or watch that song I get chills and my eyes fill with tears. She channels such power and light.
Meredith and I speak about sacred rage, how it’s necessary to feel in order to heal, we speak on intuition and how it grows after the arrival of our children. We speak about our kids on the spectrum and their heightened sensitivities, and we also touch on the oh so common narcissist and empath connection.
I loved my conversation with Meredith, we meandered a bit and I love all the different directions we went in. I hope you enjoy it too!!
Books mentioned:
Anita Moorjani- Dying To Be Me (book on near death experience)
Gabor Mate - The Myth of Normal (book connecting trauma to physical illness)
Episode 112: A Little Insight on the Work that I Do
Today I wanted to share with you when I was a guest on the “No Bs Human Design Podcast”, about a year ago. I recently re-listened to it and thought it’d be worthwhile to share here w you all. I’d interviewed Human design expert Adriana Keefe as a guest on my show last year and then I was a guest on hers. We had a fun conversation regarding the work that I do and how I do what I do. She shared her perspective in being on the receiving end of a distance healing session from me and I appreciated her insights and feedback. You know how I’m a fan of sharing fun and cool spiritual stories, and there were definitely a few in this episode. Enjoy!
Episode 111: Solar Return, Musings on Relationships and a Cool Client Story
Episode 111 ! I’m excited to be bringing you episode 111 during the week of my solar return! Today is a solo-cast where I’m sharing some stories from the Witchy Weekend Retreat I recently hosted, some cool personal stories from my own relationships + a fun story of deep past life insights from a recent client. I love my job and I love sharing the interesting things that come while being consciously on a spiritual journey!
A Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Reiki Master. Christina combines her background in corporate leadership along with her life experiences in dealing with trauma and abandonment to empower other women to trust their intuition and set themselves free of self-doubt. She wants everyone to stop looking outside for what they need and instead look inside themselves. She helps her clients step into their true authentic self, free of self-sabotaging behavior, so they can live a life full of deep meaning, and potential. Through this deep hypnotherapy and coaching work, she empowers women to shed old programming, so they can live the life they deserve.
Coach Tori’s story starts like many others in that before she found her way as a spiritual healer, she followed a traditional path towards success, and by many people's standards, had achieved it. However, despite all of this perceived success, she wasn't happy.
She worked at a top tier, global accounting firm doing international corporate tax for financial services companies, was happily married and had kids she adored. In 2019 she experienced severe burnout that lead to a transformational break-down, and break-through journey that led her to Life Coaching and the Dharma Coaching Institute where she completed the life purpose and spiritual life coaching training. She also became a Reiki Master in 2022, and began specializing in distance energy healings which allowed her to bring together the skills she’d learned and the psychic talents she’d fostered since she was a child.
Tori reached out to me a few years ago to participate in one of my “Rebalance Retreats” and in getting to know her, I have enjoyed hearing her stories and perspectives on her experiences. She recently helped me with a powerful session which spurred me to ask her to be on my show! I hope you enjoy listening in and hearing her story.
(In this episode I refer to a powerful healing session that I had with Tori, check out episode 106 for more details on that)
Dr. Nadia Ramo aka “DoctorBones” has been practicing acupuncture since 2016 and in 2021 received her Doctorate in Chinese Medicine. Nadia is passionate about educating folks that they have sovereignty over their healing. Teaching others about plants, medicine and the human body is her favorite thing to do, and she does it well. She seeks to empower people of the capacity each of us has to be our own advocate for understanding why the body is imbalanced, and finding balance again through re-membering our Center and connection with Nature.
On Instagram: @doctorbones_
Dr. Arántzazu Cioce started her healer journey as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, specializing in Pelvic Health and supporting mothers during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Working within the traditional hospital and outpatient clinics she saw that there continued to be a gap in support and care for women having babies, and knew that a more WHOLE-istic way of caring for people was how she was meant to serve others. So she started her own Physical Therapy practice, Phoenix Physical Therapy and also started supporting mamas as a Birth Doula and Birth Educator to empower birthing people to stand up for their rights in birth and in their experience.
She always sensed there was something deeper to be explored when it came to healing our physical bodies by tapping into our emotional and intuitive experiences, and it was then through her personal journey with grief and death, that she was opened to the world of energy healing and collaborating with Spirit along the healing path. Now after a decade of experience working with the physical body, she has unlocked her own combination of physical, energy and intuitive healing work, individualizing care as unique as each individual she works with to create deep transformation.
She is currently creating sacred virtual spaces for those mothers who seek both EMPOWERMENT within our current medical system and INTUITIVE RECONNECTION with their bodies and babies during conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Zazu began giving me PT for my shoulder back in August and has since become a soul sister and fellow lightworker friend! We always have a good time, and I hope you enjoy learning about her!
You can find her on IG at @dr_zazu_cioce_dpt and @integratedmamamethod.
My left shoulder is something that started to bother me many years ago. After ignoring it for so long, I decided to finally address it. Little did I know the journey that digging into this pain would reveal. It took a village of talented women to help me put the pieces together to uncovering all that was hidden within this nagging pain. Listen in for some fascinating insights that were revealed as the issue has begun to clear! This work is truly amazing.
If you know me, you know I’m a tree lover. When I saw a post on “Tree Communication” by Kara from Deep Root Connections shared by a friend, I got way excited. I was so happy to hear someone talking out loud about things I know to be true!
Kara believes that each of us holds the innate ability to communicate, co-create, and heal with all life, seen and unseen. The nature spirits, the guardians of the land and physical beings want to reignite our relationship with them and work together. It is Kara’s goal to help us commune with the unseen realms, to co-create and heal with our animals, our land and home.
I really hope you enjoy this conversation. We were really just excited to talk w fellow kindred spirits, and I am hopeful that you will find some of it interesting and fascinating. And truly, it’s all real which is so freaking awesome. Magic is real, our connection to nature is real and I hope that this excites you and you enjoy listening.
Ethnobotanicals are a fascinating and diverse group of plants that have played an important role in human cultures for centuries. From providing us with food and shelter to medicine and spirituality, plants have been an integral part of our lives since the beginning of human civilization. Entheogens are drugs/plants/medicine that give you a spiritual experience. The word entheogen literally means “creating the divine within,” and is derived from the Greek roots en (within) theo (divine) and gen (creates). Entheogens have been used by indigenous peoples for millennia for “healing, knowledge, creativity, and spiritual connection.
Christian Rasmussen is the owner of Minnesota Nice Ethnobotanicals, the largest Amanita muscaria retailer, wholesaler and importer in the country. After Amanita healed his brain while going through a grueling benzodiazepine withdrawal, Christian formed MN Nice to bring Amanita to the states. He’s collected thousands of anecdotal reports about amanita healing everything from anxiety, insomnia, and depression to more complex physical issues like neurological late-stage Lyme disease. He is dedicated to educating about the mushrooms’ healing, spiritual, and practical potential, and giving people access to this most iconic, yet most misunderstood mushroom in the world.
We spend our time talking about Amanita Muscaria along with some other ethnobotanicals and entheogens and their healing effects as well as mind expanding aspects.
Christian's website:
Amanita episode with Amy Dempster that was referenced (Episode 79)
Jennifer is a Spiritual Advisor, Channel, and Akashic Records Trauma Informed Master Consultant and Teacher for High Achieving Conscious Women Leaders. Jennifer guides women who are here to live unapologetically expressed in their Truth and fulfill their highest destiny in this life. It is her mission to light the way as a guide, supporting folks in bringing forward the full remembrance and embodiment of their soul’s gifts and wisdom to be shared with the world in only the way they can.
Jennifer’s website:
On today’s episode, I speak with Stephanie Saunders- a client and student of mine from about 8 years ago. I thought it’d be nice to share the story of her spiritual awakening. Plus, she was a client I immediately clicked with and wanted to catch up with her! Soon after she took Reiki 1 with me, she got the strong urge to move to Arizona, and listened! I have enjoyed watching her life unfold from a distance via her IG account, and wanted to learn more about how things have gone with her behind the scenes! :) Hope you enjoy hearing her story!
Episode 101: Client Visions Fall 2023
On today's show I'm just filling you in on some cool experiences from the past few months with client sessions and my own personal experiences! It's been a while since I just did an update kinda show! Hope you enjoy the stories!
I’m at 100 episodes already! So crazy. And I’m releasing this episode on Thanksgiving 2023, it seems appropriate that on today’s show I sit down with three of my most impactful spiritual teachers. Janet Hensenne-Rosiak, Maura Bertotti and Joanne Kelleher.
I love these women SO MUCH and was so excited that they agreed to meeting in this way! They all know of each other, but none have ever met directly, so this was especially special. I hope you enjoy getting to know them and you’ll quickly see why they all resonate so much with me!
Tanya Cole-Lesnick is a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, and personal development coach who is focused on helping people to pursue a life that honors their truest selves, is clear of energetic clutter, and that they are genuinely excited to be living.
We enjoyed talking shop about playing a similar role as therapist and healer, helping others in this sacred way with our chosen work. All the while sharing our human experience and how we are not exempt from the challenges of life, even with the tools that we have!
Episode 98: Sound Healing with Ashana
As a renowned master crystal bowl artist, teacher, and sound healer, Ashana is an expert in the field of sound healing with crystal bowls, training students from all over the world in the art of applying crystalline sound to therapeutic and artistic healing modalities in her Crystal Bowl Mastery program. Ashana weaves together soaring, angelic vocals and the celestial sound of crystal singing bowls. I didn’t realize it when I first heard from Ashana’s team, but eventually learned that all this while I’d known her songs because they are on my healing music playlist at work! I was happy to get the chance to sit down and talk sound healing with her and am excited to bring this discussion to you!
Laurie discovered astrology in 1995 and began studying a variety of different modalities. She combined her love for metaphysics, technology, and communications into a purpose-driven business that helps people create meaningful, aligned careers and lives. Laurie has spent the past 3 decades crafting patriarchy-free astrology definitions and interpretations, and is now the leading expert in Progressive Evolutionary Astrology. She hosts The Awake Space Astrology Podcas and her followers are dedicated to being self-aware, self-actualizing, and active in life- the same type of folks as you all! We had a good time talking and I hope you have fun listening and learn something new!
Check out her website:
I first learned of Hana bc the name “Suburban Witch” came to mind and I figured someone else had already thought of it. I was right- and she’s that someone all the way on the other side of the world in Australia! I signed up for her mailing list and started following her on social media immediately, as we have a similar vibe and purpose.
Hana’s goal is to make Witchcraft and alternative spirituality fun, informative and accessible to all. She runs a course on Psychic Divination, blogs about Witchcraft and Astrology, hosts a podcast ‘Witch Talks’ and loves to teach about Spellcrafting, Tarot tutorials, Witchcraft basics and even details her own journey from Pentecostal Christian to proud Witch.
We had a very easy time talking, hope you enjoy our stories!
Find Hana on IG here | Find Hana on YouTube here | Suburban Witchery Website
Episode 95: Evolution One with Asil Toksal
Asil Toksal is an expert guide on awakening journeys, expanding consciousness, and integrating spiritual experiences. He channels transformational energy and wisdom from higher consciousness, fostering humanity’s evolution. Asil is the founder of Evolution One, a non-profit organization which was established to assist individuals and the human collective during this time of great transformation. Evolution One stands for the evolutionary journey we undergo to remember and embody our nature as one collective, as one consciousness, to internalize and live its highest potential. Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution. I really enjoyed our conversation and I hope you do, too!
Asil’s Website:
Sarah is a scientist turned psychic, who helps people take major leaps through her psychic readings and classes, which are based in Queensland, Australia. These include numerology, palmistry, Tarot and clairvoyance. She specializes in helping leaders who see 11:11 and repeating numbers to navigate the 4 Stages of 11:11 Awakening
I’ve been following Sarah for many years and only just decided to reach out and see if she’d like to be a guest here. I was so pleased when she said yes. I enjoyed speaking with her and hearing about her experiences and her understanding of numerology.
Jessica, founder of Mary + Nancy and creator of the Intention Teddy started her own journey with crystals over a decade ago. Hoping to share her love of crystals with her niece, she was disappointed to discover that there wasn’t an option clearly geared towards kids. When Jessica was pregnant with her son, she imagined a Teddy Bear sitting beside his crib that held a crystal inside. She immediately got to work on the Intention Teddy both for her newborn son and for the parents looking for a fun and approachable way for their kids to connect with crystals.
Jessica reached out to me soon after I created my teen and tween spirit camp and generously donated a bunch of her teddies to to the camp attendees. When we connected, I clicked with her energy so asked her to come on the show so I could get to know her better and help promote her awesome product! / Follow her over on Instagram
Episode 92: Client Visions Summer 2023
Today I share about different imagery that I've gotten from recent clients in the past few months. I love doing the work that I do, I love getting relevant imagery, I love the symbolism, it's just so much fun.
Have you heard of Human Design? It’s a great life hack that combines astrology and other ancient systems to give you a detailed blueprint of how your energy is designed, how you are unique, and what your gifts and life purpose are. My guest Adriana Keefe is Human Design Coach and Motivational Speaker. After her own "quarter-life crisis", she now teaches high achieving women how to use their own unique energy to create more success. Adriana is a 4/6 Manifesting Generator, wife and mother to 3 children, lover of wine and "New Girl", and host of The No BS Human Design Podcast. for their chart
Episode 90: When Gregory became Grace... Our Trans Journey
Since we are in the middle of Pride month, it felt appropriate to finally share my story of our transgender daughter Grace.
Grace came out about 3.5 years ago at 15, we finally accepted it as a real reality 2 years ago and with each passing day have grown more comfortable and accustomed to referring to her as “her”. It’s been a lengthy journey, and with a very happy outcome… I figured it was a story with sharing! Hope it offers you some insights into what we went through these past few years. Feel free to share this with others you believe would benefit from hearing it. The world needs more love and acceptance and anecdotal stories like ours is sure to help.
Listen here now:
Winnie is the queen of compassion and transformation, using both science and spirituality. She is a trauma-informed licensed acupuncturist, shadow worker, Reiki and intuitive healer, and a professor in acupuncture at Alhambra Medical University who is passionate about teaching people how to release the trauma from their bodies. She believes wellness belongs to everyone regardless of income level, and provides free resources online for everyone to access.
Her first book on Shadow Work:
Her second book on Unlocking Light:
Weekly Five Elements Qi Gong class for healing all conditions
Free online community with weekly free blessings
Today, I'm just looking back at the past couple swirly weeks, with the eclipse energies, with the Board of Ed nonsense in my town, recent adventures of my oldest, in addition to manifesting money!
Episode 87: Eclipse Energy, Joan of Arc and Being Brave
We are currently in an Eclipse Portal and it’s been INTENSE! Have you felt it? They say with Eclipses, that we are put into a period of accelerated transformation. Ain’t that the truth! This week I share with you some of my stories relating to stepping into this advocate role. So many neat stories of how Spirit assists me when tackling this bigger than me job. Hope you enjoy listening in!
Episode 86: Interview with Avalon Priestess and author Annah Taylor Phinny
Annah Taylor Phinny is a Priestess of Avalon, author, and spiritual healer. She is honored to live her life in service to Goddess and feels her mission is to support the remembering of the divine feminine in all beings. She delights in moments of deep connection, heart-centeredness, authenticity, sisterhood, laughter, tears, ritual, dance, drumming, and sacred celebration.
Supporting others in connecting with their wild and ancient selves through ceremony, retreats, and pilgrimage is the work she cherishes most. Annah is the founder of Avalon Calling, offering annual pilgrimages to Avalon and the sacred sites of the British Isles as well as personal and group priestess sessions to build the framework of feminine wisdom and empowerment.
For more info about Annah, go here
Today on the podcast I speak of a recent Grief Bubble that inconveniently showed up while I was working out at the gym a few weeks ago. That grief can be tricky! Never know when it's gonna strike!! It was an energetically charged and emotional week for me! Take a listen in to hear my stories from that week. I love how close my mom really is. It's awesome how she shows up for me and still nurtures me from the other side.
Episode 84 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast: Interview with Shaman Friend Debra Broadman
Debbie has been a yoga teacher since 2004, focusing on mindful recovery, PTSD, and trauma-informed classes. She has studied yoga and Shamanism with many teachers from around the world. She taught yoga at New York State addiction treatment center for over seven years, with her client-base being at risk individuals, and parolees. In 2009 she began her journey into Peruvian Shamanism and healing. As her studies continued, her gifts deepened with the changing times. When working with a client and doing a reading or healing, she’s able to effectuate and assist with healing through timelines, ancestors and lineages.
I first met Deb back in 2016 and got to know her better during the Healing Circles that I hosted throughout 2020 and 2021. She is a gifted healer and I always love to hear her interpretation of the common energies we are feeling! I'm happy to bring her here to you today! :) You can learn more about Debbie online at and Instagram @yogideb1
Recently I spoke up at our local Board of Ed meeting bc there was talk about possibly messing with the new health curriculum. The new curriculum offers age appropriate teachings on gender identity among other things that some find uncomfortable and inappropriate. I felt compelled to attend and ultimately to speak up in order to hopefully educate others on our family's journey with transgenderism and how it would have alleviated lots of angst and ease confusion for our transgender daughter had she been taught some basics regarding this topic in her formative years. Thanks for taking the time to listen in.
To watch me speak in front of the panel, go to 1:07 here on this link.
Episode 82: Client stories and chakra visions
I never grow tired of my experiences while working on my clients. On today’s episode I share some recent stories of clients and the visions of their chakras, along with my interpretations of them. This work is just so cool. Thanks for listening to these neat stories!
Episode 81: Interview with Stone Medicine Expert Sarah Thomas
Today on Episode 81 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast I speak with teacher and amazing expert at Stone Medicine, Sarah Thomas.
I was first introduced to Sarah and their teachings back in the summer of 2020. I enrolled of two of their courses within the Upper Clarity school in the summer and winter of 2021. Sarah is such a beautiful person, so grounded, sweet and FULL of deep deep wisdom. I am so pleased they agreed to come onto the show and talk shop with me- I have such deep respect for them. I hope you find our conversation uplifting and educational!
For more info on Sarah go to:
Episode 80: My Recent San Francisco Trip
I recently took a trip to San Francisco with my family. This whole trip came together in a kind of surprising way. I felt very much like our ancestors played a big role in having us visit their old stomping grounds. I don’t always know the how and why of things, but I do know to trust. I was guided to take this trip on very specific dates and my husband and kids were kind enough to go along with me and my fanciful passions. It was a short whirlwind of a trip and it certainly felt divinely orchestrated. On today’s episode I get into some of the details of how this trip came to be and some stories from along the way. By the way, this will be my last episode of 2022. I’ll be back again in late January after taking a break for a bit! Thanks for taking time out of your day to listen to the spiritually inspired stories of my life! I’m so grateful that you’re here.
I’ve had Amy on the show before, but wanted her back to get into her upcoming offering “The Amanita Experience”. Amy started talking about Amanita back in the spring and it had me intrigued. I joined her September offering and it definitely shifted things in me. I wanted to support her and the work of the mushrooms by exposing you guys to what Amy is sharing with her community.
Amanita Muscaria is a mushroom more myth than memory in our current culture. But our ancient ancestors knew it well. This one bit of medicine has so many functions: on a physical level it can calm anxious feelings and soothe pain and inflammation, but on an energetic level it can connect us with the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and open our heart chakra to bring us back into resonance with the earth. While it may not make all your problems disappear, it will gently show you how your life can be full of grace and ease. It’s an age-old salve for modern-day living.
Listen in for our discussion about our experiences with this mushroom!
It was my pleasure to speak with returning guest Jenny Schiltz again today about her upcoming trip to Belize and their sacred Mayan sites. I always have a good time hearing Jenny’s perspective and understanding of things. For more info about and to purchase a distance healing and tincture from these Sacred Sites, check out her page;
Episode 77: Revisiting how Moon Magic Came to Be
At this time two years ago, things with my storefront "Moon Magic" were just coming to be. I've been looking back this past week at my pics from then, and it's incredible to think all that happened back in the fall of 2020 as the pieces of the puzzle came together for this next venture of my business.
Today I'm re-posting episode 10 where I speak about how all of it came to be!
Episode 76: Interview with Medium and Quantum Energy Healer Samantha Kocak
Sam and I met over 5 years ago and very much connected. She soon became a student and she just blew right past me! She's an amazing healer and I wanted to share her with you guys, expose you to her stories and just kinda shoot the shit with her in a laid back sorta way where you can kinda get a peak into the conversations I have with people who are my friends and students who do this work. I hope you enjoy!
To book a session with Sam, go here:
To learn more about me (Karen) and the work that I do, go to - if you are local to Northern NJ and you'd like to check out my store front you can visit my page
For more information about my online course Spiritual Seekers 101 go here.
For more info and to book a distance healing session with me go here.
Episode 75: Talking with therapist Corinne Pecile
I first met Licensed Clinical Social Worker Corinne Pecile in the summer last year while dealing with the transition of my oldest. She was so fun and easy to get along with, I immediately knew “she is one of my people!”. We recently returned to her, to sort of check in one year later and soon after that I reached out to her to see if she’d like to speak with me here. She has a neat story and is full of good, grounded compassionate energy and I just enjoy my time with her! I am grateful she agreed to having a conversation on the podcast here with me. I’m sure you will enjoy her too!
To learn more about Corinne, go here:
Episode 74: Interview with friend and fellow Reiki Master Teacher Esther Vera
Esther and I met a few years ago but really bonded during 2020. We shared similar ideas and I appreciated her perspectives. I ended up at one of her Moon Circles in the summer of 2021 and was really impressed by the rawness of the women that attended- Esther creates a really safe container for others to be their true authentic selves. Somewhere along the way we began exchanging Reiki for one another and I am so grateful. She is a very gifted healer and I so appreciate her insights. She holds space in such a nurturing and grounded way. Esther is refreshingly real and honest and I am honored that she agreed to share some of her story here with you all.
Episode 73: Interview with Veronica Paduch
On Episode 73 of the Spiritual Seekers podcast I spoke with Holistic healer Veronica Paduch. Veronica rents my space at Moon Magic. I thought it'd be nice to share her and her story here w you all.
Episode 72: Catching up on past few weeks
Today I’m just filling you in on the past couple weeks in my world. From my oldest’s transition, to a bodywork class I just took, to my own class Spiritual Seekers 101 starting up again super soon.
Episode 71: Eating Intelligence with Nicolette Renata
I recently spoke with a friend of mine, Nicolette. She and I met when I taught her Reiki about 7 years ago. Soon after that she began renting the space next door to me on the third floor at my former location. I’ve always admired her, her confidence and natural beauty- both inside and out- shines so brightly. I’m glad she agreed to be a guest because she has important wisdom to share with women.
Nicolette is the Founder of Eating Intelligence® which holistically supports women on their journey towards a healthy relationship with food and body by addressing diet mentality, overeating, binge eating and a negative body image. Nicolette’s background is in Psychology, Integrative Health and Healing, Lovingkindness Meditation and plant-based nutrition. Through a practical, spiritual and energetic approach, Eating Intelligence® provides education and empowerment to support women in awakening to greater self-care and harmony through conscious nutrition.
Check out her website here:
You can find her on Instagram here: @nicolettesmirror
I also mentioned my friend Maura's program "Uncover Your Healing".
Episode 70: Kids These Days
When I was at work the other day I recognized a trend. The younger kids who frequent my store are often of the LGBTQ+ community and present as gender fluid. That got me thinking about these new lightworkers of this next generation. In this episode, I explain my own connection and understanding of this next crop of lightworkers that are here to shake things up!
Episode 69: Comparison Game
Today I’m talking about how I recently got swept up in comparing myself to others… feeling insecure and threatened in a way by how others do things… all the while overlooking what I do and that how I do things is special BECAUSE it’s got my own unique Karen twist! Never mind all the experience I bring from doing what I do for the past twenty years! These recent cosmic energies promised to be difficult and they were. I like to think I’m above ego b.s., but that is a lie! I AM a human being afterall! I’m thankful that I got a shift in perspective that helped me to see things straight to recognize what I offer for others.
Episode 68: Interview with friend and fellow Intuitive, Christine Brown
On Episode 68 of the Spiritual Seekers podcast, I speak with friend and fellow intuitive Christine Brown. Christine and I met in a mastermind group over 3 years ago and shared a bond in that we both actively work and help people with our intuitive abilities. Christine is an Intuitive Guide and the founder of Clarity with Christine. She has been intuitive since young childhood but didn't understand or know how to use her gifts to help others. Nine years ago, she met her mentor and began training to strengthen her skills. After experiencing the impact that using her Intuition had on her own life, she created her business to guide others. Her sessions are part visualization and part exploration. She helps you focus on a relationship or area of your life that is not working as well as you would like and release stagnant energies. Shifting energy can bring clarity, and confidence and open new pathways to help you move forward.
Connect with Christine:
Clarity with Christine
Special offer: Christine is offering a 25% discount on her sessions through September 9th. If interested, contact her at Sessions can be held anytime in 2022.
Episode 67: Lion’s Gate, Mom Grief and Earworms
Today I’m talking about the recent energies of Lion’s Gate (8/8), the death anniversary of my Mom and how me and my husband now share a brain. :)
Episode 66: Interview with Meagan O’Nan
Meagan O’Nan is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and vulnerable storytelling expert. Meagan is passionate about creating connections through storytelling as a way to overcome differences and generate healing. We spoke about Meagan’s process of writing her third book, about being perceived as a misfit and the importance of being true to yourself despite what’s going on around you.
To learn more about Meagan, go to
Episode 65: Interview with friend and fellow lightworker, Sierra Ocasio
Back in 2020 I met Sierra during an online class taught by Jenny Schiltz. Soon after Sierra reached out to me bc she felt guided to learn Reiki from me. We jelled instantly and I so appreciate her energy and attitude.
I was happy to get the chance to talk with her today to learn more about her spiritual journey and her gifts as a lightworker.
If you wanna follow Sierra, you can find her FB group here, her FB business page is here and her IG page here
Episode 64: Summer Memories
Lately I’ve been feeling nostalgic for St. Augustine Florida. My parents bought a condo there when I was 9 and I spent every spring break and summer there until I was 18, and visited often after my kids were born. After my mom died in 2018 my dad sold the condo- much to the dismay of me and my siblings. St Augustine is part of my foundation and my kids, too. Being that we are currently in the heart of summer, I’ve found myself longing for this second home that I miss and love— I figured I’d share some stories from those days as a way to sort of soothe myself! Thanks for listening.
Episode 63: My Lifetime in the Old West
On Episode 63 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast I am talking about a past life where I was a very successful business woman. In that life, I realized there was a need I could fulfill… and that I was good at it. I was also good at organizing others and helped empower them to be independent and make good money. That lifetime..? I was a Madame out West who ran a brothel out of a saloon! It’s crazy, I know.
But after getting some visions and insights about this life, I realize why it came up as it’s a little bit of a parallel to what I’m currently doing. Minus the sex-work part of things. Lol Empowering women to showcase their gifts, helping them to step into their financial independence with work that other people need and benefit from! I hope you enjoy listening into this fun past life discovery that bubbled up last week.
Episode 62: More Recent Client Stories
Today on the Spiritual Seekers podcast I discuss some interesting stories from recent client sessions. I always love the imagery that comes through when tuning into my clients. I also mention how I'm in the thick of summer laze as well as my recent covid experience. Just a little catch up episode of how things are going currently. :)
EPISODE 61: Interview with friend and fellow healer Kristen Guerrero
Kristen has been a friend of mine for the past 5 years. She’s down to earth, funny, smart and is a gifted healer with a pull toward the creative arts within her healing work. Kristen offers a variety of energetic support to help you re-imagine and re-create your most ideal self through Therapeutic Art Life Coaching, Reiki, Rising Star Healing, and ThetaHealing. Her business, the “Creative Wisdom Workshop” provides opportunities to use creative tools like painting, drawing, and writing to identify messages from your unconscious wisdom for self-healing, and to imagine and create your best self. I hope you find her work intriguing, and if you’re interested in one of her classes or a 1:1 healing session with her, she works out of my Hillsdale and Woodcliff Lake offices!
For more info about Kristen go here.
IG @creativewisdomkristen
FB @creativewisdomworkshop
EPISODE 60: Talking about the Moon with April McMurtry
April McMurtry is a dynamic Lunar Facilitator and course creator who supports people on their path of growth and transformation through the simple yet profound practice of self-study in relationship with cycles. Her work reflects her passion for nature-based cycles, wellness, and creative expression.
The moon is a mirror and bridge that helps us connect with our inner wisdom. Every phase has a distinct quality, and developing a relationship with your natal moon phases may illuminate a dimension of yourself that may have been hidden. The moon illuminates our emotional needs, home and belonging, comfort zones, and intuition. The realm of the moon is private rather than public, the lunar self seeks nourishment and to nurture others. Intentionally connecting with the moon can take the form of building trust so that your inner child feels safe to ask for what they need. It can also be creating containers in your life for healing.
April is the founder of THE MOON IS MY CALENDAR and loves to share the language of the Moon to help people access their inner wisdom - inspiring us all to take better care of ourselves, each other, and the Earth! I look forward to carrying April’s Moon Calendar in 2023 to sell at Moon Magic!
New Moon Calendar Journal for 2022
Blog post for Natal Moon Phase tutorial
Know Your Moon course for lunar astrology
Mini-courses: Daily Moon Meditations to learn about each phase and Lunar Zodiac Series for each of the 12 signs
Subscribe to moonletters on website homepage
Episode 59: Interview with Herbalist Shannon Mulligan-Mayernik
Today I got to speak with Herbalist, fellow shop owner and new friend, Shannon. Both Shannon and her husband Matt own Mayernik Kitchen, a Modern Day Herbal Apothecary which is located in Pompton Plains, NJ and is your go to spot for plant medicine, herbal preparations and locally made products such as candles, soaps and pottery. They also have an herb farm up in Sussex County where they grow over 50 medicinal plant species that they then make their products with. A true seed-to-product company. I enjoyed my conversation with her and hope you enjoy listening in!
Episode 58: Recognizing Your Limits and Respecting Your Energy
In today’s episode I look back at moments of energetic overwhelm from my past and how I’m older and wiser now, and finally recognize my limits and respect them! I also bring up some special moments from my birthday last week.
Episode 57: Replay - What a Healing Session with Me is Like
With it being a busy week, I was unable to record an episode. Sharing with you episode 5 that I originally posted in May of 2021.
Episode 56: Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day can be tricky, between expectations from what we’d like our families to do for us moms, to dealing with grief in the case of crossed over moms. On today’s episode I share my sad tale of last year’s mother’s day- whoo- that was a doozy - to this year’s much more pleasant one! Enjoy listening in to this raw, real and vulnerable episode!
Episode 55: Taurus Season + Some Channeling
Yay for May. My favorite time of year! After reflecting on the awesomeness that is the Taurus season, I ended up sharing a recent channeling that I did. (My guides have oh so gently pushed me out of my comfort zone!) I also brought up some stuff regarding workshops at Moon Magic and the giant crystal expo that I will be attending next week! Best month ever!
Episode 54: Reflecting Energies
As sensitive human beings, we can at times find ourselves reflecting the energies of others. Sometimes we are aware of it, but many times we are not! I am often IN other people’s energies with my work, but at times I need to sort of like pan up to see it more objectively because I can mistaken it for my own. Grounding, keeping your energy clear and discernment are necessary - and I realize that and carry that out as a responsible healer, even tho at times it CAN trip me up! But how many of us just act out other people’s thoughts and emotions just bc their energy is contagious? Listen in to hear some interesting stories of me reflecting other people’s energies!
Episode 53: Restful Rest and Grief
Last week I had the week off. My son was off for spring break so I decided I needed to be off too! It was wonderful to take this much needed break. I slept like 10 hours a night and had almost no commitments at all, besides binge-watching Bridgerton’s season 2. The week concluded with Easter and I got hit hard by a wave of grief. Our mothers are so interwoven into such holidays and when your mom is no longer sharing this physical plane, these days can be hard. I speak about all this today, at times through tears! Thanks for listening!
EPISODE 52: Interview with Mariana Louis
On Episode 52 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast, I spoke with Mariana Louis. Mariana is a tarot reader, scholar, and writer from New York City and is the creator of Persephone's Sister, a platform for spiritual education and magical guidance, blending depth psychology, sacred feminism, and witchcraft. She works both with one-on-one clients as an intuitive reader, and leads community seminars and circles for soulful deepening and learning. She is also a lover of the poetry of Rilke, the music of Hildegard von Bingen, and the sweetness of her husband and kitty familiars. We had a fun conversation about what Mariana specializes in, including archetypal Tarot, Carl Jung and the Divine Feminine.
I found Mariana in my quest to further my knowledge of the Divine Feminine and was impressed by her YouTube gallery of knowledge! Soon after binging on many of her videos, I booked a Tarot reading with her and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. I was grateful that she agreed to come on the show! We had a fun conversation about what she specializes in, including archetypal Tarot, Carl Jung and the Divine Feminine.
Find Mariana’s website here:
On Episode 51 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast I share with you a recent meditation I did for my community. I used to offer these kinds of meditations weekly back in lockdown days. Now, they happen less often. This time I did it differently in that instead of just inviting my healer friends, I opened it up to the larger community. I guide us in relaxing our physical bodies and then to sending energy into Mother Earth. I charged $20 for this meditation with all the proceeds going toward charity, 1/2 toward a local food pantry, and the other 1/2 toward a Ukraine charity ( If you feel guided, pay it forward too! The world and humanity can all benefit from your charity.
I don't recommend listening to this casually- do it deliberately as part of a meditative practice! It won't serve you if you're running errands or driving in the car! lol
Episode 50: Comfort from Gramma
On Episode 50 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast I am sharing a story that happened to my sister Mary recently. My sister began therapy a few months ago in an effort to better herself, to highlight patterns of being and to examine where they originated. One thing she knew she wanted to get to the bottom of was unworthiness. In a recent session with her therapist, they pulled forward the memory of being ignored by our father. She recalled how he'd pull up his newspaper and just tune her out. During this session my sister was guided to call on comfort from our maternal grandmother. That alone was healing, but in the following days she got the confirmation from our grandmother on the other side that her healing DID happen and that it WAS real... from pictures that surfaced to letters that suddenly found their way into her hands. It was super cool and I'm happy to share these stories with you here today!
Episode 49: Manifesting Money
On episode 49 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast, I speak about a recent story I had regarding money.
Our mindset about money is so important. We can easily slip into scarcity if we aren't careful...but remembering that money can manifest magically is super helpful. I have a story about just that happening!
I had quite the day recently- I woke up in fear and scarcity, later shifted my mindset and remembered the money manifesting miracles I have personally witnessed... and got validation throughout the day to further keep me on the right track! It was a neat money-themed day that I felt compelled to share here with you all!
Episode 48: Shine Your Light and Be in Your Body
In today’s episode I talk about the importance of being grounded in your body and how helpful exercise and a morning routine can be. I also touch on how we shouldn’t feel bad to feel good- and how the world needs us to shine our light and be the energy we wish to see out there.
Episode 47: Big broken heart, Krazy Glue and Smelling Peanut Butter!
On Episode 47 I'm giving you a random mishmash of stories from the past few weeks. Cool imagery, neat experiences and validations. I love what I do and what I get to experience!
Episode 46: Conversation with Jenny Schiltz and Amy Dempster!
Today's episode is super special to me, as I got to speak with two women who I really admire, Jenny Schiltz and Amy Dempster. I've had them both on the show once already, but really felt the pull to have them BOTH on together! They each had really neat stories that they shared back around the beginning of the year and I got the intuitive nudge to bring them together to share these stories with you! They didn't already know each other and I was excited to bring them together.
I've been following Jenny for probably 10 years and I’ve taken some of her classes, participated in some calls as well as gotten many readings in that time. Amy I discovered last year in my quest to better understand what it was that I was psychically seeing when we did our healing circles which included the Earth herself. I knew we were doing something with Mother Earth and her grids, her ley lines. I found Amy, learned about her Earth Tenders Academy course and immediately signed up. It brought me so much clarity and direction!
Both Jenny and Amy make abstract esoteric topics accessible, and they have fun and down to earth teaching personalities and teaching styles that I really appreciate, and I’m sure you will too! I am excited to bring them both to you here today! Hope you enjoy listening to their cool stories!
If you'd rather watch and not listen, this episode is also up on my YouTube channel!
To learn more about Amy:
To learn more about Jenny:
Episode 45: Interview with Gratitude Psychologist Peggy DeLong
On today’s episode I got to talk with fellow entrepreneur friend, Peggy DeLong. Peggy and I met at a business conference of sorts held by our mutual business coach, Sarah Walton back in the fall of 2019. I was inspired hearing her share her stories of loss and grief, and reassurance of life after death. We later connected over social media and shared an appreciation of each others’ work. We finally coordinated our schedules and got to talk here on the show, sharing Peggy’s stories of how love never dies. I hope you enjoy listening in and are inspired, too.
Episode 44: Guided Meditation + Group Healing
For today’s episode I chose to share with you one of my group healing + meditation calls I did on 2/2. As with a lot of my meditations, I have a loose structure and trust that I’ll be guided along the way. I recorded this call and was so glad I did! You might want to set aside the time to rest and actively receive this meditation and healing— it’s definitely not your average podcast to listen to while making dinner or walking the dog, running and doing errands. Take the time out to deliberately receive this healing meditation. Please lmk how it goes for you- I love hearing people’s experiences! And if you like it, there’s plenty of opportunities coming up where you can participate live in these Zoom calls. It’s special enough just to create this time to relax your mind and body- but an added benefit of participating in these live calls is the chance to connect with other spiritual explorers and to hear their experiences. Sharing our spiritual experiences helps to strengthen all of us and our connection to Spirit. Hope you enjoy this and feel free to shoot me an email or PM on social media! Would LOVE to hear what you saw, felt and noticed with this meditation!
Episode 43: Interview with friend and business mentor Sarah Walton
On today’s episode I am speaking with my good friend and business mentor Sarah Walton. We talk about the importance of listening to our intuition, the Patriarchy and how women stepping into power is necessary. Sarah’s mission is to put more money in the hands of more women by empowering them with tools to embrace their natural gifts and bring them to the world. I so enjoyed hanging with my friend and talking about things that matter! Hope you enjoy listening in!
EPISODE 42: SS101, The Jesus Van and the Rebalance Retreat
On today’s episode I share three stories of things happening with my business. From my expansion with renting out a 2nd space, my upcoming online course and my in person event coming up March 6th. Thanks for your interest in hearing what’s coming up, and also for appreciating my fun and magical stories.
To learn more about the Spiritual Seekers 101 class go here:
To learn more about the Rebalance Retreat go here:
To read my blog about the Jesus Van, go here:
EPISODE 41: Interview with special guest Keira Poulsen
Keira is an intuitive, energetic healer and creator who is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach for Lightworkers, healers, change-makers, and leaders. She teaches people who feel a desire to share their message, gifts and work with the world. Keira is also the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. where she helps writers and thought leaders become published authors.
Keira and I found we had some things in common like massage and chakra reading, also she’s a mother of 5 kids and I am one of 5 kids ~ we enjoyed our time together. Hope you enjoy listening in to our conversation!
Kiera’s website: and her publishing company:
and you can also find her on IG @keirapoulsen @thehiddengifts
Episode 40: Interview with Dr. Alison J Kay
On today’s episode I sat down with Master Mind/Body energy healer and author Dr. Alison J Kay. For more than 25 years, Dr. Alison has practiced as a mind-body energy healer, founding the Vibrational UPgrade System, and working in yoga, meditation, chi gong, energy medicine, mind-body fitness, longevity, and holistic health with a specialization in the chakra system. Our conversation took a few turns that were fun and fascinating.
Episode 39: A Penguin, Eagle and Bent Straw… visions from the past few weeks
On episodes where I don’t have an agenda, I just reflect back on some cool imagery and stories from clients of the past few weeks. Today is that kinda episode.
Episode 38: Reading and Meditation to Start Off 2022
For today’s episode I thought it’d be fun to pull some cards and stones to give us an idea of what energy to expect for 2022. I also thought it’d be nice to start off your year with a guided meditation to ground your energies and to help release anything that doesn’t serve your highest good. I posted a video of this episode to my YouTube channel in case you’d like to watch it and see the cards I’m referring to!
In this episode I also mentioned a recent course I finished; it’s called “The 8 Extraordinary Meridians” hosted by Sarah Thomas at Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine. If this interests you, please let me know as I’d be happy to have you receive this work! It’s deep, soul healing work with the help of our magical crystal friends.
For this episode I read 3 cards in depth from the 9 that I pulled… check out the other 6 that I pulled in the attached pics here. I also included a pic of the cover of each deck that I worked with. The crystals in the photo from left to right are: Nuummite, Citrine (a vogel crystal; which means it was cut precisely with lasers) and sugilite. If you are drawn to any of them, I encourage you to research their healing properties beyond what I explained in the episode (there’s always more to it!)
Episode 37: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
In this episode I'm reflecting on the past year at Moon Magic and looking ahead at what's next with 2022. It's been a super productive year and there's more to come!
Episode 36: Interview with Spiritual Life Coach Tiffany Nguyen
Tiffany Nguyen is a spiritual life coach who helps busy professionals and sensitive, high-achievers reconnect with their truths and live authentically. She combines practicality and spiritual wisdom to guide people towards clarity and confidence in who they are, leading them to inner peace and happiness. With her analytical brain - she works full time as a Pharmacist - and her intuitive Tarot reading skills, Tiffany brings a unique approach to one’s self-transformation journey.
To learn more about Tiffany, check out her site
Episode 35: Dream Visits, Doves, and Glimpses of the Other Side
In today’s episode I’m yet again reflecting on the past few days; from a dream visit with John Lennon, powerful reactions from a book I’m listening to, doves flying out of my head and seeing glimpses of the other side from someone who’s between the veils. As always, my days fill me with wonder. Life is anything but boring. I love sharing these stories— thank you for taking an interest in listening to them!
I referenced a few things on this episode, one being the new Beatles special on Disney+ called Get Back. I also mentioned Dave Grohl book The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music I highly recommend checking them out!
I also brought up the Shekinah, the feminine aspect of God and “Ascension Symptoms”.
Episode 34: Energy Protection
Being an Empath isn’t a bad thing. It is a gift… once you know about protecting your energy that is. In this episode I share some cool stories about some experiences I’ve had with using different tools to help clear and protect my own energy and the energy around me! For a more thorough deep dive into this topic and others, definitely check out my Spiritual Seekers 101 class! I go way more into it in there. But for now, hope you enjoy these stories!
Episode 33: Interview with Intuitive Energy Healer Jean Atman
On this episode I sit down with a fellow energy healer, Jean Atman. We learned a little about one another and had a nice conversation about the type of work that Jean does. She is an Intuitive Energy Healer, Energy Medicine Specialist, Author, and Speaker. Jean’s unique combination of intuitive energy guidance, soul coaching, and belief-sculpting sets the stage for radical transformation. Her primary focus is on empowering women to create internal stability and well-being and to activate their own power so they can enjoy an ease-filled life full of abundance and purpose. Jean remains fiercely dedicated to that cause and throughout her 21-year professional career has empowered tens of thousands of people worldwide to consciously create a beautiful life experience. Hope you enjoy listening in to what we had to say!
Episode 32: Just another week in my world
The last week has proven magical and awe inspiring. I love knowing what I know and doing what I do. I never take it for granted. But this past week was especially awesome and I just wanted to share about it. From my sensitive dog Trix responding to the otherwise unseen, to a distance client all the way across the country to several sisterhood connections— it was just a cool series of days!
Gnome drawing by Janet (lol), the awesome card spread for my empathic client who is now stepping into her power, cellphone pic of full moon hours before eclipse, and the beautiful sacred space for our full moon circle that Esther created.
Episode 31: Some holiday memories
Thanksgiving is next week, and then Christmas so soon after that. With the holidays upon us, I couldn’t help but think back on some of the times spent with my family, from childhood to adulthood. Hope you enjoy listening these little snippets of my memories!
Episode 30: Heart Opening
I recently had a Reiki session that really opened my heart up. I didn’t mean to have hushed it as much as I did. I’m just a girl with a business trying to get it all done- so many demands for my time attention, between my husband, kids, father, siblings, pets, clients and students, and social media/website updates- let alone MYSELF. I KNEW I wasn’t making enough time for me, I had fallen out of many of my regular good habits and let life sweep me up with all its demands. This powerful session with my friend finally gave my heart the chance to be heard. Connecting with other women who can support you deeply, listen without judgement and hold that sacred space is so so important. We need to create that space for our hearts to be heard. We are worthy of that time. In this episode, I share some details of that Reiki session along with some other recent stories.
To learn more about Esther who gave me Reiki, visit her website:
Episode 29: Reflecting on Church
Last weekend I attended a funeral for a family member of a long time family friend. While there I felt emotional after receiving communion, as it somehow connected me back to my paternal grandmother. After the funeral mass my dad, brother and I ended up in a deep conversation about faith, religion and the afterlife with perfect strangers. It was moving and I was so glad I was there to connect and share in this way. In this episode you’ll hear some of the stories from that day along with other musings related to religion in my life.
Episode 28: Colorful Visions
I wanted to share some recent imagery I experienced with some clients these past few weeks. I always love the creative visions I get that tell me what’s going on for my clients. I will NEVER grow tired of this part of my work! Analyzing what I see is kinda like dream interpretation. I get feelings along with the visions. I usually don’t have much context for what I’m witnessing, so it makes it all the more exciting when what I say makes sense to my clients! Hope you enjoy hearing these stories!
Episode 27: Interview with Maura Bertotti
Maura was one of my core teachers back when I was new on my spiritual journey! I am so happy to talk with her here on my podcast!
Maura is an Author, Teacher, Healer, and Spiritual Channeler. She is the Co-Creator of the book Uncover Your Recovery / Uncover Your Healing, due out early next year.Having 20 years experience with multiple modalities in the world of spirituality, Maura’s mission is to bring love, healing and kindness to others and to the planet. Dedicated to educating and supporting those along this journey, over the years Maura has established Holistic Centers in the Jersey Shore area, and is looking forward to opening a new Center in 2022 with Ann Merli for a growing Community of seekers. Maura continues her own journey of healing and recovering as well. Over the past 15 months she has lost 125 pounds and is now sharing that education and support to help others find their way.Maura considers the best prescriptions of all are humor, fresh air and music !
Episode 26 - Interview with Multi-Dimensional Healer Jenny Schiltz
Jenny Schiltz is a blogger and healer that I have been following for years. She began her blog in 2012 and I started following her soon after that. She is a gifted intuitive healer and teacher— I’ve taken some of her courses and had several readings from her and I am just so glad she agreed to come onto the show! Jenny was woken back up to her innate healing and intuitive gifts after a terrible accident that nearly killed her. The healing techniques and understandings that the Angels, Masters, Guides, Galactics, and Elementals taught her during her recovery are what she shares with her clients, along with her training as a Quantum Energy Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Jenny’s main goal is to empower you to look within, to trust and love yourself completely. She’s currently offering Aura Cleansings twice a week as we navigate our ascension! I hope you enjoy listening in to our conversation and learning about her!
Episode 25 - Trixie the Chatty Channeler
My dog Trixie is pretty neat. Not only does she hold such a loving space for people, but she also has been known to channel some serious wisdom. In this episode I talk about a few healing sessions where she stepped in and gave me messages to pass onto my clients. I also talk about some funny things she’s said! It’s such a fun gift to hear your dog’s thoughts!
Episode 24 - My Husband
Last week was my husband Greg’s bday and next week is our 19th wedding anniversary. We first met as housemates 22 years ago when I was in my last year of college. We had a chemistry and a pull toward one another unlike any I had had before. Our bond runs deep- several lifetimes deep I’m sure. As we got to know ourselves more the older we got, our worldviews took on polarizing angles. Our small differences became big ones. Being married to Skeptic Atheist when you’re a Spiritual Healer can be rough at times! We really are meant to be together despite these differences. I just wanted to celebrate him and share some of our stories and hope you enjoy listening in! :)
Episode 23 - Recent Client Stories
In the last few weeks I have gathered up some cool stories to share of my experiences as an intuitive body worker. From psychically feeling and seeing the events of my husband’s day, to a VERY clear message for a client who was nervous about embarking on a special trip, to some very physical experiences I noticed within the subtlety of some CranioSacral and Reiki healing sessions I had. I love the work that I do the stories I get to tell because of it!
Episode 22 - Interview with Earth Healer Amy Dempster
Back in early days of quarantine I began hosting weekly Healing Circles with fellow healer friends for those affected by the Covid virus, as well as those under lots of stress. These circles soon turned into something bigger- the healers who gathered for these circles felt an impulse to include the Earth in these sessions and then decided to consciously include the Earth herself in our healing circles! Each week there’d be overlapping visions of what we saw and felt. In my research to better understand what we were witnessing, I was led to Amy Dempster and her powerful teaching about working with the land! Soon after I enrolled in her “Earth Tenders” online course and became a loyal listener to her Earth Keepers Podcast.
A little info about Amy:
Amy believes in the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her blog Following Hawks, h as become a resource for others wanting to learn how to communicate with nature and share their own unique healing gifts with the earth.
Together with the Spirits of the Land in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends seven portals on the land where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others re-establish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need.
Hope you enjoy our conversation about connecting with the land!
Go here to listen to Amy's podcast.
For more information about Amy, her website is
Episode 21 - My Kids
I became a mom nearly 17 years ago when I was 25. Of course having a baby is life changing, but I believe my oldest child brought in an upgrade to my own spiritual sensitivities with the arrival of his soul! He and his younger brother have both proven to be quite the amazing and connected kids. Listen in as I explain how they shifted me as a person and how they have educated me along my spiritual journey. Our kids truly are our biggest teachers.
Episode 20 - Distance Healing
When we were forced to stay home in March 2020, I was pushed out of my comfort zone with my healing work. Sure, I knew that distance healing worked and I even teach people how to do so in my Reiki 2 classes… but I hadn’t relied on doing that as my main work ever! It was something I’d only done once in a rare while. However, I wanted to continue to serve people during those early Covid days and this was how to do that! In this episode I speak of the power of distance healing work and share some stories of my experiences in giving Reiki and readings in this distant yet very connected way of healing!
Pics below are from when I was doing a ton of Distance Healing sessions— April 2020 :)
Episode 19 - Crystal Crazy
Each year there is a crystal expo in NJ… I’ve been going since 2016 or 2017. I love it, it’s like Christmas morning for me! I recently attended and stocked up on stones this past week which inspired me to record today’s show. I talk about my love relationship with crystals that heavily woke up in me a dozen years ago and has grown from collecting to now selling and sharing them with everyone around me who’ll give me the time of day! Crystals are such a valuable tool in the energy healing world- I think everyone would benefit from getting to know them!
Episode 18 - Reiki
Earlier this week was Mikao Usui’s birthday. Mikao Usui is the founder of Reiki and he was born August 15, 1865. Truly, Reiki is as old as time. It just got forgotten for a while and Mikao helped us to remember our innate healing abilities! I’ve been practicing Reiki since 2010 and began teaching it to others by 2014. It can be truly life changing work and I love sharing it with others! In this episode I speak about what a Reiki session can feel like.
Episode 17 - Animal Totems
Animal totems are such a neat topic. Whether you’ve always associated with one particular type of animal your whole life, or you’ve had the experience of seeing the same animal many times within a few short days— their message is worth paying attention to! In this episode I talk about my spirit animals from within my own posse, how I came across them along with some other cool animal totem stories with meaningful messages.
Episode 16 - Recent Healing Sessions
In this episode I talk about the past week or so with my own spiritual journey of self discovery. It’s pretty certain that we’ve all lived many lives, some of which were traumatic with effects reaching out several lives deep. I mention such a story at the start of this episode and I also mention a few other stories of signs and “coincidences” along with some reincarnation thoughts spurred this past week. Just a random mishmash of a “week in the life of Karen”. Enjoy!
*This pic is of my great grandmother, my grandfather’s mom. In this episode I mention my Grandfather’s 104th birthday being on August 2nd. That morning I thought “I gave birth to him 104 years ago as Elizabeth Cullen!”. My ancestor, my great grandmother is also me... I believe this to be true.
Pretty wild. Amazing stuff.
Episode 15 - Vacation
In this episode, I talk about my recent vacation with my family down in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. My family is not an outdoorsy family, but we pretended to be for a couple days anyway. We all so needed this break and change of scenery. We literally had to go with flow and relax bc we had no other choice. :)
Episode 14 - Spiritual Seekers 101 (Online Course)
In this episode, I am talking about my online course!. It's going to start up again in the fall and I wanted to share about it here with you.
Once we feel awakened to our Spirituality, it can feel a little overwhelming with all there is to know! We can also feel lonely since everyone in our circle may not be on the same page. This class will cover Spiritual basics in a way that is simple and straightforward AND you will have a community like-minded folks accessible to you who will support your beliefs and honor your journey.
I'm happy to support others who are on their spiritual journey and share my own experiences with navigating this spiritual energy world! Take a listen to understand a little better what this class has to offer!
To learn more about this class go here:
Episode 13 - Ghostly Encounters
Now, I’m a big believer in ghosts, however- I’m not necessarily a FAN of such encounters in my own life! Like it or not, tho- this is part of the deal when dealing with the spiritual realm! One sometimes comes across spirits of departed folks who haven’t crossed over for one reason or another. In this episode I talk about my few experiences in dealing with these and other types of energies!
I am definitely NOT an expert and barely feel like I know what I’m doing- but I DO love sharing these types of stories and I hope you like listening to them! Enjoy!
I mentioned my friend Christine Brown in the episode and the healing session I had with her. To learn more about her healing work, check out her website.
I also mentioned a psychic healer who I've been following for years- her name is Anna Sayce and she's got lots of helpful courses and articles! Go here to learn more.
EPISODE 12 - PAST LIVES Past Lives is a favorite topic of mine! I never grow tired of speaking about and learning about past life stories! I didn’t grow up thinking that way- but once I was on my spiritual journey I began exploring them and have since gathered dozens of lifetimes that I can recall pieces of. From being a prostitute in the old west, to a Snakeoil salesman, a Nun and other kinds of spiritual healers—it’s so fascinating to me! I even share some stories of other people’s past lives that I’ve gotten a glimpse of, too. I hope you have as much fun listening to all these fun and crazy stories as I have in telling them!
In this episode I mention a few helpful resources if you'd like to tap in and explore your own (or others!) past lives:
Brian Weiss - an psychologist and author, he's got a wealth of information! It's so fascinating! He's got a guided regression on YouTube from when he was at Omega institute in 2012. Check it out here.
Carol Bowman is who I referenced when speaking about children recalling past lives spontaneously.
Carolyn Myss has done a lot of work with the archetypes that people often incarnate with. It's super interesting.
The podcast I referred to in the show is called the Earth Keepers Podcast with Amy Dempster, it was episode 24 "The Long Strange Trip to Heal My Feet"
Pioneer Lifetime- Just about a week or so after peaking into this lifetime and healing it (recognizing that my deceased husband was always going to be by my side in spirit), we ended up taking this pic. I didn’t register that this pic resembles a whole and complete couple from that time period until several weeks later!
My wedding dress— I knew the style I wanted very quickly. I didn’t know then that I had an unresolved Medieval lifetime with my husband where I couldn’t marry him bc of class differences! I killed myself on my (arranged) wedding day in my wedding dress! How appropriate that in this lifetime I chose a medieval type style for this wedding in 2002!
Medieval Headdress My mother wore something like this on my wedding day (where I committed suicide). Hers resembled the bottom left one! Link:
Episode 11 - MY MOM - Besides being a loving, supportive and kind, my mother’s biggest impact on me was her illness. Just about 6 weeks after my wedding in 2002 my mom fell ill with an autoimmune disease, Acute Transverse Myelitis. This was a condition whose effects she’d live with for the rest of her life. She died in August of 2018 and in this episode I share stories of her from the beginning of her illness through to visits in meditation nearly 3 years after her passing.
Episode 10 - HOW MOON MAGIC CAME TO BE - In early October 2020 I learned that the space I’d been planning on creating for 18 months- Westwood Center Soul – wouldn’t happen afterall. I was eager to see what the Universe had in store for me. How was I being redirected? I KNEW I had to end up SOMEWHERE.
The pieces of the puzzle came together in record time and before ya knew it, Moon Magic in Hillsdale was open for customers and clients by Christmas. It still bends my mind how quickly and effortlessly it all came together. Listen in to hear how the story unfolds!
I wrote two blogposts about the magical happenings of the (first) space as it unfolded- go here to check that out.
On Episode 9 - MAGGIE AND TRIX - I talk about my dog Maggie who crossed over last year and our new dog Trix. As Maggie was ready to transition, I began hearing her thoughts more clearly and had some pretty beautiful experiences. Soon after she passed, she led us to Trixie- our new pup who’s very much a healer dog. I love them both and appreciate the roles they play in my life.
To read the blog I wrote in September about Maggie's transition, go here
On Episode 8 - MY UNCLE RON - I talk about the major impact my Uncle Ron made in my life. I hardly knew him here on the physical plane, but his influence reaches deep into my life story.
Less than two years younger than my mom, but once they were adults they were a generation apart! After hurting his knees and losing his scholarship to the Air Force Academy he joined the Peace Corp and traveled the world.
In his travels he met my aunt, a young German girl. That connection influenced us all, as now we had a bond to Germany. Learning German was something my oldest brother pursued since he went to visit my uncle years later in Austria. Then I just copied my big bro and took German, too. (which led me to participate in my German exchange program in school and I got super close with my exchange partner Isabel, traveling multiple times to visit her since the mid 90s!)
He died suddenly at age 42 in 1989 and my aunt Lori had a vision of his transition while performing CPR and got messages from him to deliver to the family. His life continues to impact my own and just last week I learned about our heart connection that was evident when I was just a few days old (thanks to my aunt Lori sharing this with me!)
I get into these stories and more...... sharing them feels a bit vulnerable bc they are so close to my heart, but I felt sure that I wanted to share them widely bc they really are so cool.
From left to right— TOP ROW:
My mom and her brother Ron— before he became a hippie and traveled the world!
My Uncle Ron in Nepal 1973 (?)
Baltimore 1972 - with my extended fam, when Uncle Ron and fam were moving from living in the US to living in Vienna.
2nd ROW:
Visit to Germany in 2001— me and my cousin Elisa visiting in Cologne Germany
I toured the property of my aunt’s farm and later realized I had been there in a dream with my uncle weeks prior. If you look toward the far end of the pic you see the tire tracks in the field. If you look to top left of the pic you see a purple blue light. I only noticed it just the other night when trying to find this pic. How cool is that?
Friend Isabel with my boys at our 2008 visit.
Me and my cousin again, in Heidelberg 2008
Third Row:
Back at my aunt’s farm visiting the tire track road again…. notice the streak of light!
Back again in 2018, visiting Elisa in Berlin
My fam resting well in backyard at my aunt’s house
On Episode 7 - WHEN SPIRIT GETS PUSHY - I will share some experiences I had where Spirit was INSISTENT that I get their message across to their loved ones, whether I was comfortable to or not!
I share about my own gramma influencing me to speak at the repast after her funeral, a childhood friend’s father in law who was determined to let his wife know he was at a family event just a day prior, a former house mate and friend who insisted I share his message with my husband, my uncle who was determined to let his wife know how he felt about her dating life and a local friend that recently passed and wanted me to share a message with his wife. These stories are so fascinating to me and I hope you enjoy hearing them!
On Episode 6- Magical Miracles, I touch on some cool, miraculous stories I’ve experienced in my life, from my “broken arm” when I was three, to encounters with Jesus, healed injuries and magical manifestations.
In Episode 5 - What a Healing Session with me is like - I go over what its like to get a session with me! Whether it’s an in person Reiki Infused Massage, Reiki session or a Distance Healing session—all my first time clients receive a free “chakra reading report”- which basically is a written report of what I saw/felt/experienced during your session. During the session I tune into my client’s energy and get messages from each of the 7 major chakras, I also get an Animal Totem, and other messages may come in from Spirt—whether that’s a guide, Angel, Ascended Master or crossed over loved one. I explain how I receive these messages and how they present to me. The messages are always relevant and insightful for my client and I love sharing what I have channeled. So listen in to hear how I tap in and receive all these interesting insights!
On Episode 4- Growing my Psychic Self - I touch on the psychic senses, aka "the clairs" and how they arrived and developed in my own life. I discuss how I receive messages from spirit, from hearing messages, sensing spirit physically to seeing sparks and auras to just knowing things. I also offer tips on how to help harness your own intuitive gifts.
In Episode 3, SIGNS FROM SPIRIT I discuss all the many signs I've received from my crossed over loved ones- namely my mom who passed nearly three years ago. From feathers and coins to numbers, songs and smells... and so much more. Our loved ones only change form when they die and these signs can be so comforting and reassuring. I NEVER grow tired of them!
In Episode 2 - My Spiritual Awakening - I delve into my story of "waking up" spiritually. I'd always been pretty spiritual and open, but I got a blast of divine direction at age 30 with two little kids, a few years into my marriage.
In Episode 1- How I Got Here, I give you a quick glimpse of my life-- from my childhood to landmark moments in my life that led me to be the healer and spiritual business owner that I am today.